Serving Lowell and Dracut

Since 1883

Mass Times


Religious Education

Upcoming Events

One Parish. One School.

One Faith Community.

Rooted in our sacramental celebrations of the Eucharist, we seek to shape our future in a positive way through our parish school, religious education, youth ministry programs and numerous Christian services. While maintaining a strong sense of Catholic tradition, we look for ways to revitalize our Christian values through more openness to God's word and our gospel call to love God and neighbor. Trusting in the Holy Spirit, we seek new ways of being a church for members, active or not, as well as reaching out to the wider community.


LENT 2025

Prepare the Way of the Lord

Stations of the Cross:

Youth-Led at 1:00pm

Adult-Led at 6:00pm

March 7, 14, 21, 28

April 4, 11

April 18, Good Friday at 3:00pm*


Unable to attend Saint Michael's for Stations of the Cross? Pray them on Instagram Live!

Every Tuesday at 11am this Lent a team will pray a couple Stations of the Cross together on Instagram Live @EvangelizeBoston.

  • Reconciliation

    Available in the church every Saturday from 3:00-3:30pm. If you would prefer to meet face-to-face with a priest, please call the rectory at 978-459-0713 to schedule an appointment.

  • Eucharist

    If you are homebound and would like to receive communion on a temporary or permanent basis, please call the rectory at 978-459-0713. 

  • Baptism

    Baptisms are usually held at 11:00pm on the fourth Sunday of each month. Parents must attend one class prior to baptism date. Godparents must be Catholics who have received the sacraments of baptism and confirmation. Please contact the rectory at 978-459-0713 at least one month in advance.  

  • Religious Education

    Religious Education clases are held for grades K-6 on Saturdays at Saint Michael School, 9:00-10:30am from September through April. Students older than second grade needing First Communion should reach out the the rectory for more information.

    High School Confirmation classes begin seventh grade. Students meet Sundays from 3:30pm-7:00pm at Saint Michael church hall.

  • Anointing of the Sick

    If you are sick or have surgery scheduled, please contact the rectory at 978-459-0713.

  • Celebration of Marriage

    If you'd like to be married at Saint Michael's, please contact us at 978-459-0713 one year prior to your wedding date. Couples must meet with a priest before confirming their wedding date.

  • Faith Formation

    Are you an adult and would like to be a member of the Roman Catholic faith? Contact the rectory at 978-459-0713 about the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA).

  • Youth Group

     Our Young Adult Drop In is open to young people ages 18-30 and typically meets on the first Monday of the month in the church hall from 6:00-8:00pm. Pizza, Friends and more! Free Admission.

Upcoming Events & Fundraisers

Five Grand in Your Hand, Tickets on sale before/after weekend Masses now through March 16th: Buy a ticket to this exciting fundraiser and you'll have an opportunity to win one grand prize of $5,000! Ticket prices are $60 each or two for $100. Drawing is Monday, March 17th at 1:00pm. Only 200 tickets will be sold. Please see the bulletin for additional information.

Class by Fr. Chris, Monday, March 17th, 1:00-2:00pm & 7:00-8:00pm: A one-session class to address the Church's teachings on hospice, palliative care, comfort measures and Last Rites. Take your pick of the afternoon or evening session. Church hall.

An Afternoon of High Tea, Saturday, March 29th, First Seating 12:00-1:30pm, Second Seating 2:00-3:30pm: All parishioners, parents, students, their families and guests are all invited to a lovely afternoon high tea, complete with English tea sandwiches and sweet treats in the church hall. Dress up with your favorite hat, fascinator or bowtie for extra fun! Each attendee will be entered into a grand prize drawing of a gorgeous tea basket. Due to limited seating, RSVP's are required; please contact with your head count and seating selection by calling Pauline at 978-459-0713 or emailing The event is free, but we'll be accepting good will donations.

Red Cross Blood Drive, Sunday, March 30th, 9:00am-2:00pm: Give blood this Lent and help save lives! Call

1-800-Red Cross (1-800-733-2767) or visit and enter Lowell to make an appointment. All donors will receive a $10 Amazon gift card by email. Church hall.

Lenten Movie Night, Monday, April 7th, 6:30-8:00pm: "St. John in Exile" starring Dean Jones. Join us for a pre-Holy Week reflection on the life of Christ as seen by the apostle John, who has been punished in exile to the island of Patmos. During his time alone, John reflects on his life, faith, and troubles. Free water and popcorn. Church hall.

Lilly Fair, Saturday, April 12th, 10:00am-3:00pm: Our third Easter and spring fair will feature 50 vendor, artist and crafter tables featuring unique items! We'll also have raffles, a bake sale table, a candy table, free kid's the Easter Bunny visits all day! Dress the kids up in their Easter finest and come take all the photos you'd like. Free admission. Church hall.

The Catholic Appeal

Forward in Faith

Once a year, Catholics in the Archdiocese are asked to join together to support their parish and the greater Church by contributing to the Catholic Appeal. Many of you have received a letter from our new archbishop, Richard G. Henning, inviting you to join him in offering early support to the 2025 Appeal. We hope you will respond to his invitation with a generous gift, knowing that each contribution has a significant impact on the lives of thousands across the Archdiocese of Boston. You can make a gift by returning your pledge card or by making an online donation at

For those who have already made a gift, thank you! Your generosity moves us all forward in faith.

Mass Times

Daily: Monday - Saturday at 7:00am

Weekends: Saturday at 4:00pm, Sunday at 7:00am & 9:30am

Holy Days: 9:00am & 7:00pm

Rectory Hours

Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Friday: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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